Author: Jonathan Willard

Medical Gas Manifold Installation / Permit-To-Work

NFPA 99 requires testing to be performed anytime a medical gas system is “breeched.” The code has a broad definition of what it means to breech a medical gas or vacuum system. The code deems a breach of the system as anytime that there is a pipeline intrusion by physical separation OR when a system component is removed, replaced, or added.

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Medical Air Quality

NFPA 99 2018 (2) indicates that medical air shall meet the requirements of medical air USP. However, Table does not include nitric oxide and sulfur dioxide as contaminates to be tested for even though they are listed in the USP as contaminates. Can you please help clarify why these are not required to be tested for in NFPA 99?

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Zone Valves

In the 2015 and 2012 edition of NFPA 99, says, “Service valves shall be placed in the branch piping prior to any zone valve box assembly on that branch.” Does that mean that on each pipe, to each zone valve box, there shall be a valve that will allow the zone valve to be isolated?

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